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Frequently Asked Questions - Financial Services

Accounts Payable FAQ

Check request
Check request forms are found here. Fill out the form completely remembering to attach all supporting documentation cost code and signatures and send to Marisa Mathie, SCR AP. Please note-that missing information will delay the payment or reimbursement.

Purchase Order Invoice
Please note that creating a requisition does NOT pay the invoice. You still must send me the invoice so it can be entered in for payment.

Travel Reimbursement
Please note that check request forms should not be used for any travel-related expenses. The travel reimbursement form can be found here. Please include the following information:

You will be paid the per diem rate for food. Current per diem rates are as follows:

Per Diem Rates
Meal In-state Out-of-state
Breakfast $11 $13
Lunch $14 $14
Dinner $20 $23

*Please note that if a meal was provided as part of the training or conference, you may not seek reimbursement for that meal unless there are extenuating circumstances. (A dietary restriction could qualify. Preferring to eat out does not.)

Snow College reimburses at $0.50/mile if you take your own car when a state car was available. If a state car was not available, you will be reimbursed at $0.56/mile.

  • Date
  • Banner ID
  • Cost Code
  • Amount – the total reimbursement you are seeking.
  • Pay To (Include their name and FULL address)
  • Explanation
  • Two Signatures
  • Optional Check Boxes:
  • Include documentation with payment: Check this box if you would like us to send a copy of any/all the paperwork that you have included with your check request.
  • Special handling instructions: If you would like the check sent back to you so you can hand deliver or whatever the case may be, write it in this line.
  • What to include: We cannot just pay/reimburse off of a check request. There must be supporting documentation, whether it be an invoice, a receipt, an email, etc. If you are asking reimbursement for treats/food for a meeting or activity, you must include an event notification and an explanation as to why you did not use your Snow College Pcard. A flyer of the meeting or activity is best, but we can use whatever method you used to notify people about your meeting/activity. Please also include a list of names of everyone that attended the meeting/activity.
  • Banner ID
  • Name
  • Cost Code
  • Destination City
  • Purpose (please be specific on this. Do not put “Training,” please put what the actual name of the training/meeting/conference was called.)
  • Date you left and date you returned
  • Two signatures - Pre authorization for travel and then after travel authorization for payment.
  • Date of your travel
  • # of miles traveled
    We will double check all mileage through MapQuest. We allow up to 50 miles over what MQ says for travel to/from hotel, conference, meals, etc. when you stay more than one day. If it is a one-day trip, the miles need to be closer in range than that. If you are over the allowance, please include a reason why or we will have to ask you, which again, delays getting your money in a timely manner. Snow College pays .50 per mile if you take your own vehicle and a State car was available. You will get .56 per mile if you take your own vehicle when a State car was NOT available.
  • Indicate the date and which meal. It is easiest to figure out when you write the date in the box of the meal you are asking for.
  • What to include: When asking for meals;
    • You must attach further documentation. You cannot just send in the travel reimbursement form. A detailed schedule or agenda of the conference/training you attended is best. If you do not have one, please attach an explanation as to why you do not have one. If you do not send in this needed information, we will have to ask for it, which causes a delay in you getting your money.
    • We do not need copies of your receipts that you spent on meals that you are being reimbursed for.
    • Please note: We cannot reimburse for meals that were provided at your training/conference. If there was a meal that was provided and you seek reimbursement for that meal, we will ask you why you did not eat the meal provided. If you have a significant reason as to why you couldn’t eat the provided meal (such as a dietary reason), we may possibly give you it. However, if you do not eat the meal because you chose not to or wanted to eat out with family/friends that night, you will not be reimbursed for that, as the meal was already paid for in your conference registration.
    • Please note: No meals can be reimbursed for same day travel. It must be an over-night trip to qualify for meal reimbursement.
      Snow College per diem for in-state meals is $11 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, $20 for dinner. Per diem for out-of-state meals is $13 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, $23 for dinner. If you go over those costs, that's your responsibility. If you are under, great, you will still get the per diem amount.
  • Date
  • Description
  • Amount
  • Attach the original, itemized receipt
    Please note: The miscellaneous reimbursement has to do with the particular travel on the Travel Reimbursement Form.
  • Dates
  • Amount
  • Attach the original, itemized receipt
  • Dates
  • Hotel Name
  • Amount
  • Attach the original, itemized receipt
  • If you do not have a receipt because you stayed with family/friends, please indicate that so that we don’t have to ask, which in turn, causes a delay in receiving your money. For more information on Snow College travel policy, please see
Snow College policy states that any check request and/or travel reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days. Requests that come in later than 30 days will need vice president approval.

If you hire an independent contractor, they must fill out and sign the independent contractor form. You can find a copy of that here: IndependentContractorPDF or here: IndependentContractorEditablePDF. If you aren’t sure if someone qualifies as an independent contractor, please ask. Typically, anyone who comes in to perform a service for you—private lessons, coaching, speaking engagements, etc.—are independent contractors.

Snow College employees hired as independent contractors must be paid through the Payroll Action Form (PAF) with HR.

Please allow seven business days for processing. Checks are typically cut and mailed on Tuesday and Thursday. To expedite your receipt of funds, you are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit with accounts payable. (This is separate from payroll. Even if you have signed up for direct deposit through payroll, you’ll still need to sign up again through accounts payable.)

Pcard are the preferred method of external payment at Snow College. If you submit something that should have been paid with pcard, please include explanation of why the pcard was not used. Please note that not wanting to use the pcard is not considered a valid excuse.

Yes! Every check request must have two signatures. One from the person requesting payment, and one from the budget holder (or supervisor if you are the budget holder.) These two signatures cannot be the same person.

Cashier FAQ

A financial hold indicates that you have a past due balance at Snow College. To view holds on your account:

  • Log in to BadgerWeb   
  • Student tab   
  • Student Records   
  • View Holds

To have a financial hold removed from your account pay the balance due and the hold will typically be removed within 24 hours.

The Cashier's office is available to provide further explanation if needed.

Refunds are given after tuition and fees are paid in full and an account has an overpayment. Refunds could be from changing class schedules and not having as much tuition owed as a result, or Financial Aid (grants, loans, or scholarships) having been applied to your account resulting in a refund. To see if you will be getting a refund, review your account balance:

  • Log in to BadgerWeb   
  • Student tab   
  • Student Records   
  • Payment Portal

The most efficient way to receive a student refund is through Direct Deposit. To set up Direct Deposit, fill out this form and submit it to the Cashier's office. If you do not have Direct Deposit set up, a check will be mailed to either the check mailing address or the permanent address on file. To update addresses please visit the Registration Office.

Snow College scholarships will be entered in student accounts about 10 days before the beginning of each semester. If you do not see your scholarship after that time, you can contact the scholarship office at 435-283-7150. Make sure you have completed all the requirements, including writing a Thank You letter for private scholarships (A Thank you letter is not required for academic, departmental, or outside scholarships).

Outside scholarships, or those from a source other than Snow College, are usually disbursed as a check mailed to the Snow College Cashier's office. Make sure the agency has your student ID number and the Snow College mailing address.

Book costs vary with your schedule, visit the online bookstore to view a personalized page of your courses and corresponding course materials.

Students can add an Authorized Party to their student account. An Authorized Party could be a parent or guardian that intends to make payments on your behalf. To add an Authorized Party to your account:

  • Log in to BadgerWeb   
  • Student tab   
  • Student Records   
  • Payment Portal   
  • Add an Authorized Party

Snow College follows federal guidelines under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Once a student reaches 18 years of age, or attends a postsecondary institution such as Snow College, he or she becomes an "eligible student," and all rights formerly given to parents under FERPA transfer to the student. If parent(s), guardian(s) or a high school counselor of a Snow College student enrolled in a Snow College course desires to discuss the student's performance or academic record with a professor, the parent, guardian or counselor must receive permission from the student. This permission must be received in writing. The Consent to Release Information form can be filled out and signed by the student and sent to the Snow College Registrar's Office.

Snow College does not charge late fees. However, all tuition and fees will need to be paid in full, or have a payment plan set up by the 5th day of the semester to avoid having your classes dropped.

Controller FAQ

An encumbrance is a pending purchase order that isn't finalized. Keep in mind that encumbrances can cross fiscal years. If you have questions about encumbrances hitting your budget contact Mike Jorgensen x-7262
No, if you find reveue in your office budget please contact the Controller's or Budget office to get this issue correct. Revenue should be housed in funds that are not tied to the general fund (ex. Auxiliary Funds).
An appropriation is dedicated money provided by the state for a specific purpose.
In Banner go to FGIBDST, click on the YTD activity cell of the account you're looking at and hit F3 on your keyboard. If you have questions about these specific transactions contact the Controller's office.
Typically, these are cash transfers to cover expenses. Most likely these orginate from Fund transfers you enter online or send to ude.wons@oc. However, if you have questions contact a Controller Office Team Member.
The budget office does send out monthly cash reports, you can find it there. However if you want to know what your cash balance is in real time go to FGITBAL in Banner and enter your fund number. Keep in mind budgets tied to the general fund do not have actual cash.

Procurement FAQ

  • A Purchase Order is created by Purchasing after a department has submitted a requisition and the requisition has been approved.
  • This document is the official order from the College and will be faxed, e-mailed, or otherwise sent to a vendor requesting goods or services.
  • Purchase Order number begin with a ‘P.’
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchasing Card (Visa)
  • Vendors should receive one of the above payment methods prior to accepting an order. By accepting one of the above payment methods, the vendor will ensure prompt payment upon receipt of the goods/service ordered and an invoice.
  • Invoices should be sent to the Accounts Payable department: Snow College; Accounts Payable –800 W 200 S; Richfield, UT 84701.
  • Invoices may also be sent via e-mail to: ude.wons@eihtam.asiram
  • Contact the Accounts Payable department at 435.283.2210 or ude.wons@eihtam.asiram.

Payroll FAQ

Requisition is an internal request created by a department for Purchasing to create a Purchase Order. A Requisition is not a Purchase Order and should not be treated as such.

In order to comply with Snow College policy, a requisition must be approved and a purchase order completed PRIOR to ordering any materials or services from a vendor with the exception of orders that are placed using a purchasing card or check request.

Requisitions are processed within 24 hours.

Please contact the Controller’s office to receive access.